Monday, July 2, 2012

A Game Is Forming

First, I ended up switching out two of the milestones for the week.  It turned out that the two I had for today was too much, so instead I added sound today and also an intro scene.

First off, I created a system for adding intro scenes for each level.  The scenes are just pictures that can have anything on them, that should tell the story of that particular level.  To demonstrate I just put some text on a .png file, but before release these should be replaced with nice images.  The scene its self is all loaded from config files, so it is easy to add more scenes for new levels.

One pitfall that took me a while to figure out which shouldn't have was trying to load in the images using the JME3 asset manager.  In short, it turns out for some reason firefox was naming my files ".png" while GIMP was naming my edited files ".PNG", which I did not immediately pick up on and does in fact cause JME3 to freak out and not load that file.  What a face-palm moment when I saw the extension difference.

Second up is sounds.  JME3 makes it easy to implement sounds.  Since the importing and memory management is all taken care of, I went on making a very nice handling class (SoundsManager) for all the sounds that will be in my game.  This class initializes and manages all the sounds, and other classes just have to call my functions to do all kinds of things with any of the sounds.

Here is a video showing what was accomplished today:

NOTE: I had trouble recording sounds and video playing on my desktop and had to resort to holding up my mic to my speakers, so the sound quality is poor in this video.

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