Thursday, July 26, 2012

Fixes and cleanup

Today I fixed some of the problems I was having along with cleaning up and documenting my recent code.

I fixed the issue where, when the camera was tilting forward, the camera would lose altitude.  The camera physics engine I built has a parameter for its update function that requires the looking direction of the camera.  When the camera was tilted up or down, that vector changed, causing problems.  I fixed it by removing the y-component of that vector, a temporary fix but it works for now.

Further, I found that the webstart works and have updated the build on my server to the most recent one.  Enjoy:
NOTE: I changed the keys to control the altitude and have not updated the intro screen that tells you the keys yet. 
KEYS:  W,A,S,D will move the helicopter forwards, backwards, left, and right.
              Q, R will rotate the helicopter right and left.
              +, - will raise and lower the helicopter in altitude.

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