Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Main Menu and Cleanup

Today I was able to get a menu system in place using JME's "Nifty GUI" technology.  This technology is very powerful from the demos I watched, and I dont expect to use even a fraction of that power in my game but it's nice to know what it can do.  The menu I created is very expandable, even dynamically expandable!

Here is a short video of the menu, along with a small bit of flying around my terrible testing level:

The Nifty GUI works a lot like Android in that you have Scenes (android activities) that hold different panels (android layouts) and have controls (android buttons and such) on them.  This is all changeable on the fly.  One example of this is that when a config file loads in, if the file cannot be found I let the GUI know this so that it can inform the user the file was not found.  When there is no reading error, the user does not see any error texts.

Also of note was a lot of cleaning up of the code; adding comments, putting large blocks of related code in new classes, etc.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that you're refactoring along the way. Thanks for uploading the video to show what you did. Where did you upload the video to?

    I saw that you implemented the start button. Did you implement the quit button? It would have been helpful to include the URL for the Nifty GUI demos you mentioned.

    Thanks for the comparison with Android. I think jME3 support deployment as Android apps.
