Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Cube Maps and Terrain

Today, I got some of the basic visuals working in game, such as the terrain, a static cockpit, and a skybox.  I did the loading of these files through the use of external config files, this way changes can be made to maps without recompiling the game.  I plan on eventually making a master config file that a user can edit to tell the game to automatically look for his added config files and assets.

All the assets I made today are very much prototypes, just used to make sure everything is loading.  However, all that needs to be done is replace those assets with nicer ones and everything is good to go, that's nice!

As you can see in the picture, the changes in terrain height are a little abrupt!  The temporary height map I made just had grey lines around the edges, no nice transition from black to grey.  Again, just a test to see if the config file was getting the height map to the game engine.

For tomorrow, I plan to start working on a main menu, since a lot of what I am writing could be a little more final if I had a main menu.


  1. Great job! Thanks for uploading a screen shot to help us see what you did. Indeed, loading from config file is much more efficient than hard coding the initial set up.

    Love the sun on the horizon. The cockpit looks cool too. Are you thinking about fixing the first person view at the cockpit, allowing messages be displayed on the monitors in the cockpit? Could you please clarify what you meant by the main menu?

    Any progress with deploying a jME3 game via Java Web Start?

  2. Thanks.

    Yes I was going to fix the first person view to the cockpit. I want to find or make a better cockpit that has a larger viewing area with a big panel that I can display text to.

    Is there going to be a main menu to this game, like this:


    or did you want the user to just drop into the game when he launches it?

  3. A main menu would be nice but not necessary critical for the current stage of the development. Thanks for including the screenshot.

  4. Well, I kinda already made the main menu... sorry! However, learning how to do that helped me understand how to move between scenes (like changing levels), and I modified my code to help me do that later on. Ill have a new blog post shortly.
