Wednesday, June 20, 2012

HUD concept

Today I was able to create a proof of concept for a heads up display.  The text can be placed anywhere on screen, but I placed mine in the cockpit image's HUD display.  Here is an image of my concept:

I still have to make a class that controls the text that is input into the hud, since the text can go right off the cockpit's display if "\n"s are not inserted.  Also I want to make it very easy for other programmers to control what all is being displayed.  Another thing I wanted to do to this HUD is apply a little green to it.  To do this, I was thinking about adding a transparent green shape to the guiNode in this location.  Should be easy, and would look very cool!

Also today, since I gained admin access to my server provided from the school, I looked into implementing Java Webstart.  I found out where the httpd.conf file is for Apache on Red Hat (etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf) and added the additional AddTypes required for Webstart (Link).  Next I found where Apache looks to for its index.html file (var/www/html/index.html) and put in my own hello world file in, and it works!  Link

However, I found a new problem.  When I was testing out how I was going to get the jar files onto the server, I noticed that my game doesn't work when you run it from the .jar file outside of the IDE!  The menu works, but when you press "play" the screen goes black.  Im thinking the game is not able to find all my assets, even though I have not moved them from the "dist" folder that the IDE generates.  I will look into this first thing tomorrow.

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