Thursday, May 31, 2012


So in doing exercise 3 in tutorial 8 (picking) today, I ran into a problem with adding a custom name to a Spatial (Geometry's parent class).  In this case, I wanted to name the Golem in the scene to "test" for easy testing to see if it was the closest object hit by a ray cast.  Doing the following test when the golem spatial is initialized and loaded works fine:
System.out.println(golem.getName() + "!!!");

the output is "test!!!" in the console as expected.  However, doing the following after doing a ray cast does not work:

Geometry closestGeom = closest.getGeometry();   //This is the golem when he is clicked on.
System.out.println(closestGeom.getName() + "###");   //should be outputting "test"...

What is output is "Oto-geom-1###", which seems like an auto generated name made from its filename or a name in its .xml file.  If I changed my if statement to check for that name (Oto-geom-1) then everything would work fine.  However, I really need to figure out how to add custom names to objects.  Hopefully the solution will come to me asap...

Note: The red dot is the hit indicator, where the user last clicked on the model and made it rotate.

Fixed Edit:
So as I was trying a workaround of adding the golem to new node (named "golemNode") and then using that node as the character identifier, when I figured out the original problem.  When I ran these two lines after the ray cast:

System.out.println(closestGeom.getName() + "------------");
System.out.println(closestGeom.getParent().getName() + "------------");

I was expecting to get in the console:


However I instead got:


"test" being the original name I had been giving the spatial.  Calling getParent() one more time in the above System.out would indeed print "golemNode-------".  I am stuck no more!

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